Surya pratap singh rathore
76 years old grandfather of rudraksh
seema surya pratap singh rathore
74 year old grandmother of rudraksh
Vikram singh rathore
55 year old father of rudraksh
reeva Vikram singh rathore
49 year old mother of rudraksh
abhay singh rathore
48 year old uncle of rudraksh
aarti abhay singh rathore
45 year old aunt of rudraksh
advait and ashwin abhay singh rathore
24 year old twins and younger brothers of rudraksh
kriti Vikram singh rathore
21 year old sister of rudraksh.
Vishnu chouhan
79 year old dadu of aradhya
Chaya vishnu chouhan
74 year old dadi of aradhya
Dhruv vishnu chouhan
57 year old dad of aradhya
Sita dhruv chouhan
52 year old mother of aradhya
Aarush vishnu chouhan
27 year old brother of aradhya
Jiya aarush chouhan
26 year old bhabhi of aradhya
arjun vishnu chouhan
twin brother of aradhya
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Surya pratap singh rathore
76 years old grandfather of rudraksh
seema surya pratap singh rathore
74 year old grandmother of rudraksh
Vikram singh rathore
55 year old father of rudraksh
reeva Vikram singh rathore
49 year old mother of rudraksh
abhay singh rathore
48 year old uncle of rudraksh
aarti abhay singh rathore
45 year old aunt of rudraksh
advait and ashwin abhay singh rathore
24 year old twins and younger brothers of rudraksh
kriti Vikram singh rathore
21 year old sister of rudraksh.
Vishnu chouhan
79 year old dadu of aradhya
Chaya vishnu chouhan
74 year old dadi of aradhya
Dhruv vishnu chouhan
57 year old dad of aradhya
Sita dhruv chouhan
52 year old mother of aradhya
Aarush vishnu chouhan
27 year old brother of aradhya
Jiya aarush chouhan
26 year old bhabhi of aradhya
arjun vishnu chouhan
twin brother of aradhya
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